13 Reasons No Traffic on Your Blog
13 Reasons Why No One Follows Your Blog_Blogging Mistakes to Avoid
Every blogger wants huge traffic on his website. This happens rarely to all. Every blogger has to work hard and put in other tactics to get huge viewers on his blog page. Today we will try to know what blogging mistakes need to be avoided in 2021.
Please don’t take me wrong. But if you have ever felt like people just aren’t following your blog. Maybe there are some other reasons. I’ve learned 13 different reasons why traffic might be less on your blogs.
Therefore, in this article, I’m going to talk about why your blog not receiving expected traffics.
One by one we are going to discuss all 13 points, which will help all new bloggers to implement in their websites.
1)Multi Topics-
The first reason no one may be following your blog is that you write about too many different things. You have not selected your niche. You collect any trending topics or incidents from the internet and go on to write.
So, when somebody lands on your website, they have to quickly identify you as someone who is an expert in a certain field. You need to fulfill that standard. You must have a certain specialization in a particular field so that people can relate you to your work.
Suppose, if you write about finance, travel and food, fashion, Yoga and exercise and so on. Those are too many different topics. I am not saying that you’re not good at writing about those things.
So, don’t write on every sundry topic. Select your niche and be an expert in a certain field that you have an interest in and you can do better.
2) New in Field-
I bet that you might have written dramas, stories, and other articles in different magazines. Hopefully, you’re probably really great at writing about them. You would be good at creating content in any different direction.
3) Niche Selection-
The third reason is that perhaps the niche that you’ve chosen just isn’t specific enough. So again, people who’ve been blogging for a decade, you know, they already have that like an established audience.
They have become a star in the Google search. Now the important thing for you is to make sure that you choose a very specific niche. So, you can’t just be a sundry blogger anymore.
You’ve got to be more specific than that. Because let me be honest, there are a ton of new bloggers out there. So, what is unique about you, and what specifically do you write about, choose a niche within a niche.
So, don’t just be a sundry blogger, be a sincere blogger. You know, you have to choose a very specific category go deep down your niche to really give yourself a leg up.
You need to read more and try to explore what you can do better than others. Which types of problems you can solve. How can you help people?
If you need some help with identifying what specific type of niche you want to go into, I have written different blog niche ideas, and they’re very specific. You will find something or different categories which kind of help you choose something more specific.
Therefore, if you’re interested in that, click here.
4) Explore Opportunity-
The fourth reason is that your content isn’t serving any purpose in particular. Look at every single piece of content as an opportunity. Be ready to teach something, or to answer a specific question.
Therefore, every time somebody reads a blog post or watches one of your videos, they should leave feeling like they learned something or they were inspired by something.
You must write some unique content whether it is in form of text or video. You must provide a specific solution to the problem(s). You have to feel like an audience and focus on the solution.
Believe me, if you succeed in providing solutions and giving the right information. You have won the half battle; you have won the audience base.
5) Your Content-
The fifth reason could be that maybe your content isn’t that great. Friends, when we all start out, To be honest with you, all of our content stinks. We know nothing about what the heck we’re doing. So, it’s okay if your content performs poorly right now.
I suggest you’ve got to keep practicing and practicing until you figure out how to write the best blog posts or create the best videos.
Make sure that every single blog post, every single video teaches something, inspire something, make sure that you’re very clear and concise in the way that you teach something, make sure that you’re very organized. You have to learn from all your mistakes.
Explore your information and research properly. Be ready to consume that information in little bite-sized pieces, which makes it easy for you to implement in your next blog posts.
So, just keep practicing on your content. If you’re creating videos, keep filming until you feel you finally have gotten it right.
My initial blogs weren’t so good. But I am proud of them. I have learned a lot from my writing practice. Every day I was improving.
When I was creating videos for my YouTube English tutorial videos, they were not quite good. I didn’t even know what the heck I was doing. But I had to start somewhere, and you just have to keep practicing writing blog posts and creating videos until you finally get it.
6) Unorganized Blogger-
The sixth reason could be that when people land on your website, you look more like a hobby blogger than you do like a business.
So, the thing about this is, you really want to make sure that you’re very organized and that all of your content works together.
When you put together your website, really make sure that everything coordinates and clicks and makes sense. You don’t want to write about knitting, and then create a food blogger product, that doesn’t make sense, they have nothing to do with each other.
Makes sure it looks like you’re probably more like a hobby blogger, look like a professional blogger. Make sure you take blogging as the business.
Ensure that everything within your blogging business is really working together and giving you a more professional vibe online.
Take your blog content as your child and take care of it properly.
7) Inconsistent-
The seventh reason could be that you’re not very consistent. You are not regularly posting blogs. In the beginning, you need to be very consistent and practical in writing content.
You should prepare your schedule when you are capable to complete writing and post your blogs. If you can’t post blogs daily. Be very specific.
You can opt for days and set your schedule, in a week try to post at least 2–3 blogs. In this way, you will stay consistent in the search engines, like Google, Bing, etc.
So, you want to try as much as possible. Regularly publish content or send out emails to your email subscribers.
8) Keyword Planning-
The eighth reason could be that you’re not using very good keywords. Now, by keywords, I mean, if you are using Google’s Keyword Planner, and you are trying to find which keywords to use, your inclination might be to pick up the ones that have actually high search volume.
You know, people are looking for this like a million times a month. But on the flip side of that, you have to look at the competition. So is the competition really high, that may be a good keyword, but be clever enough to use keywords.
Those are the keywords that you might want to use. That way you can try to get that first-page spot when it comes to ranking in Google.
Keyword research is one of the toughest works in the blogging field. When you are new, it would seem to be the toughest journey, but you can learn it with practice.
9) Video Updates-
The ninth reason could be I’m sorry, but you’re not using video in your blogging business. People get so irritated when I talk about this because they’re like.
If you say that I want to be a blogger but I don’t want to be a YouTuber. Believe me, I don’t want you to be a YouTuber either. I want you to run a blogging business.
That’s why, if you want to run a blogging business, you got to be savvy with the tools that you use to harness the power of lifting and taking off with your platform.
So, you have to think of it this way. Video is really important for two main reasons, in particular, number one, it humanizes your brand.
Therefore, people feel much easier remembering your face if people hear you talking, and they see your hand gestures, and people, who like your video content, can get carried away to take action and read your blogs.
Suppose, if you read a blog post that I’ve written, and you just saw my words, but you couldn’t even hear like the inflexions in my voice. It’s just kind of harder to remember who I am.
It is a well-known fact if you can see somebody talking on camera. It’s way easier to kind of connect with them as a human and look at them. You may try harder.
Now the second reason video helps to hint Google, where I write a blog post. I hope that Google helps differently.
Imagine, when people will find your website because they searched. And then they can see your video pop up in the Google search results.
So, then they go to the video and then they realize I have a website and so they find their way back to my website.
Isn’t it fantastic to reach a big audience through two mediums like website and YouTube?
10) Readability-
The tenth reason could be that your blog posts are not very easy to read. Textbooks are boring, for many.
Imagine if people find textbooks boring, then I can guarantee that all the cool people out there, may find them very boring as well.
So, the important thing to keep in mind when you’re writing your blog posts is to break them up. Use small paragraphs of 5–6 lines. Don’t have these like long 10 sentence paragraphs. It’s not the proper way you do it.
When you break things up, and you have tons of bullet points, you keep your paragraphs fairly short, you have videos you have, you know, pictures in there. Well, now the blog post is broken up. And therefore, it’s a lot softer on the eyes, and it’s easier to read through.
11) Uploading & Speed-
What matters most, there are a couple of things, I would describe here
The first could be speed if it takes a long for your site to load. And that’s a total taxing. And honestly, people are going to get bored, if they don’t know who you are, they’re not going to wait around for your site to finally load.
So, you want to try to keep things running as fast as possible. The second thing could be that it’s just hard to navigate. Sometimes I’ll land on a website, and it looks stunning, the design is just gorgeous. But man, I can’t find what I’m looking for to save my life.
And I never go back to that website because it’s hard to navigate, make sure that you have-
- a search bar somewhere
- the categories kind of lined out for them to easily get through
- different links that you’re utilizing in the menu
- blog posts sorted out by subcategories
That way, if they are looking for something specific underneath your niche, and they can easily find it. You are a winner.
12) Importance of Less-
One more reason, you’re not focusing on the small following that you already have. So, this is a mistake that It happens, when you see other bloggers have a huge following base.
And you kind of neglect the people that are already kind of following them.
And when you feel like you’re not really valued, because you’re not, you’re just one of 100 instead of one of a million.
You should email them because they’re important subscribers, your first email subscriber, that’s not your dad or brother. Whether he is single, is just as important as your 10,000 subscribers.
So, keep that in mind and really value the people that you already have following you.
13) Promotion-
The 13th and last reason that people may not be following you. Probably, you’re not promoting on the right channels for your particular audience.
There’s no need for you to become an expert at all of them. In fact, I definitely don’t recommend you try to do that, because you’ll just be spreading yourself too thin.
So, what I like to do like my personal preference is I focus on just a few main things.
Focus on-
Because these channels work really well. They can get the audience that you may be targeting.
Instead of focusing on just building raving fans on YouTube and Pinterest, they give me the opportunity because you can click different links and you can include links back to your website, and talk about how they can find stuff back at my website.
That gives the opportunity to kind of lead them back to my website that way. It will help you build the platform on that social media platform.
Today we have discussed the important facts. They will in my blog work.
I hope you can also improve better your website. So, you also try to customize your blog page.
Leave a comment down below if one of these really resonated with you. And you just had that “Aha” moment where you’re like,
For blogging tips, keep reading.
Thank you so much for reading this article.
Happy reading!
Originally published at https://helpfuljourney.com on December 17, 2020.