20 Micro Niche Blog & Niche Product Ideas for Affiliate Income

Suresh Maurya
16 min readDec 24, 2020


What are the best niche blog writing topics?

As a new blogger, do you want to know new money-making niches to monetize your blog because some of the old strategies are now obsolete? They get delayed in giving results. Then I would suggest finding a micro niche for your blogging.

If you shift your attention to micro-niche blogging, hopefully, your success journey will start very soon. In today’s article, I am going to share 20 micro niche blog ideas which you can go through and explore what best suited to your ideas. These ideas can help you to get the approval of AdSense very easily and you can work for more affiliate marketing products and sponsored posts.

I would explain some interesting details about micro niche blogs and also unhide the popular micro-niche keywords. If you work hard on your blog, you can have a booming career in blogging.

First, the top trending 20 micro niche blog ideas that can help you make money in 2021.

If I want to start a blog, should I focus only on one particular niche?

What is Niche-

Niche is simply a term of field, that we work or run our business. Niche is the term named to work, a company, or a business’s field. It is given to any work, business on the internet. A niche consists of an audience that has characteristics to influence people to take action and buy the product.

Importantly, any niche is the segment any blogger is going to work with. However, this niche is very broad, which has general representations of an area, such as Mobile.

Working with niches can draw a large group of people. As it is such a broad field. Probably it can take time a long time to convert into benefits.

Because, the popular or any particular products come from well-known brands, which put them on top of the search engine results.

As a single mobile company has so many products, each brand product has different features and specialties. You can explore different types of mobiles and their benefits and promote them online.

How can I build micro niche blog?

What is Micro-Niche-

In simple terms, a micro-niche represents a small part of consumers’ market, buyers, and clients from a broader market.

If you know about blogging, you must have heard about the micro-niche blog. You can just understand it by the sub-sub section of a broader niche.

  • A micro-niche blog is a sub-topic of a main niche/category.
  • A micro-niche comes within a broader area, they need to be segmented to find the audiences.

Just think about the example of ‘Mobile’, a micro-niche could be a smartphone-based on Android, iPhone with different types of inbuilt camera functions. There you can segment them as per their prices and functions. They may have thousands of other specifications.

Except this,

Micro niche for mobile-

Now take the example of the camera-

According to smartphone photography statistics- photos that we see more than 80% are clicked with mobile phones. You may be amazed to know that a European takes approximately 600 selfies a year, so you can think that the market of the camera or best-featured smartphones are huge in demand and it is a fantastic micro-niche

Suppose, if talk about ‘ Yoga ‘ then it can be a particular niche, but there come many micro-niches as-

What is the best micro niche for blogging and earning more?

Micro Niche Blog Marketing-

Before we discuss more the micro-niche ideas, let us talk about Blog Marketing. How your blog can help your business what more you need to do-

(For detail read my other blogs-visit blog page)

Search Engine-

Every blogger intends to rank his website on the first page of search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Even the top bloggers struggle to climb up the search engine ranking.

Keyword Research-

Blogging depends on quality keyword research because keywords play a crucial role in the success of your blog. To make an impression, pick up profitable and low competition keywords that can define your blog.

SEO Work-

To rank your website, SEO (search engine optimization) is an important factor. Blogger has to compile his article cleverly using the keywords and this is the beauty of the SEO expert.

20 Micro Niche Ideas for new bloggers-

Let us explore the top 20 micro-niche topics, that can help new bloggers earn good money after a few months.

1)Smartphone Camera-

In my view, one of the most profitable niche blog ideas in the last some years, it seems to be staying in high demand because mobile companies so often launch new ranges of mobiles in the market and it is a big market.

Be it clicking a selfie or party, any celebrations with friends and family, a smartphone is used to capture life’s special moments. Smartphones buyers of all generations or ages invariably prefer to check the camera quality before finalizing a particular cell phone.

If you are smart enough to suggest mobile and camera phones then you can start a blog focusing on this micro-niche topic. You can explore further and break down this micro-niche into sub-micro niches, for example-

Some more ideas can pop up, you start with them also-

  • Photography tips for smartphone
  • Smartphone best photography course
  • Smartphone photography kit
  • Selfie stick

If you interest in mobile and camera phones, it will be a good micro-niche for you, which has high search volume and low competition. You can soon apply for AdSense approval and contact companies for product reviews.

A few more things can be included in this niche- have a look-

You have many more options- As you can write about particular mobile devices and their accessories like Samsung, Oppo, iPad, Apple, Moto, Redmi etc.

2) Baby Care Product-

This blog niche has been quite popular and will remain forever. Every parent wants to provide the best possible care to their child.

With this blog niche, you have a broad audience like mothers of toddlers, expectant mothers, and first-time moms, everything you have to talk about baby care.

The baby care products market is hugely stuffed with numerous products. this child care products market encompasses cosmetics, personal care, baby food, and nutrition. A survey says that the baby care product market is assumed to be around 105 billion dollars by the year 2025.

Although the baby care niche is quite competitive. So, the best thing that you can prefer is, deep down to find a micro niche blog researching a few keywords like-

If you have good knowledge about baby care products and adequate experience in this field. Start your blog with a proper domain name.

3) Professional Online Course & eLearning-

Education is one of the most required things for humans. Whether rich or poor, everyone wants to study higher. Working professionals want to acquire more degrees and the best professional courses to get good promotion in their office.

There comes a long list of professional courses, this niche has a huge scope on the internet. You can split into micro-niche topics like- banking, Govt. jobs, technical jobs so on.

This can be a good money-making micro-niche-

This micro-niche will be a great market for the people who enjoy teaching. If they love teaching and have a huge amount of experience in a particular subject(s).

You can start teaching courses on any of the above-mentioned micro niche blogs. You believe that you can help students with information like career guidance, job training, skill education, or more.

These micro niches have huge demand, youth can be the big market. The demand is high but quality education is very limited.

4) Photography-DSLR Lens -

Although this is a quite good money-making micro-niche, yet it’s not for everyone. If you are a professional photographer and expert in photography then you can go for it.

I should inform you that it is quite an expensive field depending on expertise. Photography is quite an open field, you may not find here a big number of competitors.

The reason is quite clear-

If you fulfil all the above criteria then you can explore some of the micro-niches here-

You can create an audience base who love photography and often search for high-quality DSLR cameras like Canon, Nikon. Sony.

People with experience in photography can easily earn good money from this micro-niche blog.

5) RAM for All Electronic Gadgets-

This is the age of fast rocket science. Every gadget is compared with its functionality and fast speed. RAM plays a vital role in the functionality of all equipment like smartphones, computers, laptops, tablets, cameras, printers.

Smartphones are one of the most searched electronic products across the world. The new generation is crazy for smart electronic gadgets.

They keep searching for new technology and advance or recent launching mobiles. Therefore, smartphone RAM’s demand is growing fast.

Buyers primarily check the RAM features first of all, before buying a smartphone, laptop, etc. The experts who work in this field or have good knowledge about upcoming trends, new gadget launch.

They can have a great scope in this field. Under the smartphone RAM category, you can find many micro-niches. This can be one of the money-making niches.

6) Temple Travel Guide-

Human beings are very religious. People so often visit religious places across the world. We can’t count the number of temples, mosques, churches, etc in the world. India is a religious country, so are there more.

This can become one of the unique micro-niche blog ideas. Hopefully, these places will grow, travel enthusiasts worldwide will visit more and more.

You believe that the magnificent temples, of India, will keep drawing a huge number of domestic and foreign tourists. Time has changed, now people search temples online to get the details about the best possibilities and infrastructure, then they plan to visit.

People book accommodation in advance, that means they are ready to pay for luxury and facilities. It will be a great idea if you go for it.

I should give an idea; you can begin with it-

  • All India temple tour guide
  • Temple tour packages in South India
  • Temple tour packages in North India
  • India temple travel sites
  • Top 10 religious places in India
  • India religious adventure sites so on

You can find many blogs that cover touring places. They include adventure tourism but only a few focuses on temples’ blogs.

Hope your quick success may begin here. One more thing, you need to have too much information about these places. Just spend some time and daily collect information from the internet and get details from the people who have visited over there.

7) Pre-school & Nursery Education-

If you have experienced in teaching field for long years, you love education sector and want to work on it. This niche has a great scope.

Every parent wants to provide the best possible education facilities. You must have noticed that the parents seem to be more concerned about the education of the children.

After the birth of the child, parents plan from the pre-school to higher education. Even tuition classes and coaching institutes are pre-planned.

Perhaps, there isn’t available much information about the pre-schooling infrastructure. Because pre-schooling has an altogether different working system.

If you have some good idea about this niche in your locality. You can even cover your state, other states and country.

You can work on this trending micro-niche-

If you think like an expert digital marketer, just think of it. Choose a suitable domain for this micro-niche blog.

8) UPS & Battery Backup-

This niche best suits to tech bloggers, they are making good money by providing reviews of the products of different companies.

This blog niche idea can be good for you also if you keep looking for new batteries and UPS appliances.

Even in this advanced age, we depend on battery backup. Just remember, people, use batteries in vehicles, railways, inverters, home, laptops, phones etc.

UPS still is in great demand. This can be a great niche for you if you target it in your blogging. I hope this micro-niche will give your huge digital scope with less competition.

So, you can think for such as-

9) Adventure & Mountain Climbing-

We all love fun and happiness in our life. There are hundreds of people who like to visit hill stations, mountain ranges, deep-sea ranges.

They like to have adventures tour in their life. Your mountain climbing articles can find your targeted audience. You can target adventure sports enthusiasts.

Adventure sports are a fast emerging field and an attractive tourism option. There isn’t available adequate information about this sector. In Asia, this micro-niche information is not readily available.

If you also love travelling and adventure sports. This field is open for you. You can consider this micro-niche blog writing.

This micro-niche idea can have some search options like-

10) Green & Herbal Tea-

One of the fast-growing sectors all over the world, because people are health conscious. Many don’t compromise their health. You can target them with the best herbal products and healthy diets.

Green tea & herbal tea topics have become quite popular. The online search for healthy tea products has picked up an all-time high in recent years.

This micro-niche can be a good market for you also. It may be the right time to earn money from a green tea-related micro-niche blog. You can start with some of these topics-

11) Coupon Code-

One of the profitable micro-niche ideas for a long time, because who doesn’t want to get purchase discounts. This is the age of discount and offer. Before online buying, people try to search for discounts and offers.

There come many occasions when companies offer discounts-

If you wish to work on this niche, prepare well in advance and learn how you can create coupons and offer to the people.

You can plan a schedule and search which companies are ready to give offer coupons. Surely, it will help your audience to get the best deals.

12) LED Lighting & Décor-

We can’t imagine our life without light. LED lights are of a different type for different places. Households and offices make our life bright. LED lights save energy and reduce power bills.

Except for LED bulbs, there are different types of decoration lighting. So often, we see new inventions in decoration lights, party bulbs, disco lights.

LED lights are replacing our lighting system. Over the last few years, LED lights became a multi-billion-dollar industry. You are not alone in the blogging niche. You may find a few established bloggers in this field.

Don’t worry, these bloggers’ articles will help you write better blogs. It will help you write a money making blogs. You can try on these topics-

13) 3D Printer-

In the last couple of years, the demand for 3D printers is growing, but very few are writing for this niche.

3D printing is an emerging trend. This is a new technology that’s why this micro-niche is not saturated so far. If you know this field then go ahead in this field.

According to the 3D printing growth report 2019, this 3D printing market will be double by 2023. The amazing annual growth rate is around 25%.

I can give you some niche ideas-

14-Microwave & Cake Making Machine-

This niche can be a favourite field who love cooking and help others with their culinary knowledge.

You can suggest the best trending microwave for the customers who are looking for the latest cooking appliances.

There you can deep down and find a microwave cake making machine. It will be a fantastic micro-niche. Try to just a well-drafted cooking and baking blog. Hopefully, it can make you popular so quickly.

If you are expert in cooking cake, cookies, pastry, snacks etc. you can give them different and new recipes of cakes.

People who love eating sweet dishes, cakes, keep looking for yummy cake and cookies recipes. This is the reason; food blogs and videos receive quite huge traffic.

You can avail this opportunity and create your fan following list. You can describe to them different cake cooking recipes. You can create a fast-money-making blog. Many companies make microwaves-

You can describe their features and benefits-

If you focus on company-specific products, you can easily expand a specific audience base. These companies have millions of customers across the world.

So, I would recommend focusing on a micro-niche like cake making microwaves.

15) Music & Singers-

Who doesn’t love music, there may be a rare amount of people who don’t like music, the entire world loves music? There is a different type of genre in the music sector.

Can you imagine? The entire world loves music means you have a huge audience all over the world. A stunning number of music lovers across the world, who follow the music industry.

You will have a good amount of competition in this niche. Still don’t worry, this is a huge market and everyone will have their space. You can get success just continue to work hard.

This niche blog idea is surely going to work for music enthusiasts.

You need to be very specific in this sector, don’t select each and all genres from the music world. Just try to be perfect in one or two genres. Create your authority, if people start reading your musical information around the world then you have a great chance to become successful.

There you can get some topics below-

A neat and clean place is liked by everyone. We all want our homes to be tidy and well-arranged. People who build their dream homes. They are ready to do everything to make their home unique and special.

This blog niche idea will remain evergreen forever. This niche falls under the broad interior designing category, it may offer you many micro niche blog ideas.

If you have a great sense of home decoration and color sense. You keep an artistic flair if you think that you can help people for making their homes a dream home.

This blog idea has a great scope for the enthusiasts, who love designing their home very special.

Here a few topic ideas can help you draft your blog-

There you can think to break down the home décor and design theme for more specific.

17) Bathroom Designing-

With home interior designing, many love their bathroom unstained and modern. They have a fascination with bathroom décor.

Bathroom decoration is another interesting micro-niche, you can think about this niche. In the interior decoration space, a bathroom is also a special place for many people.

People search for

you can create your scope in this stuffed market.

Some ideas for bathroom decoration-

One of the best modern micro-niches, which can give you quick popularity. You can get a quick monetization.

This niche especially excites housewives. This trend you can find in Google searches. If you enjoy the unstuffed, speckless, and modular kitchen, search for this niche, how it works.

Its compound annual growth rate is expected to remain more than 28% during 2020–2025.

You can write on modular kitchens and their accessories. Some ideas I could share here-

19) Celebrity Lifestyle-

News and gossip easily attract readers because people want to read news and lifestyle-related to film stars, leaders, players.

It is an all-unique micro-niche in magazine and news sector. people read the newspaper to know current affair, events and information.

But the life of celebrities is also a thing that people want to know. Celebrity lifestyle fascinates readers of all ages. Because it may allow you to ignite their curiosity towards the life of a celebrity. It is a fast way to make money online.

Although there are many blogs on this niche, still this micro-niche has great potential for you also. Actually, It has a big market, you should create a more fantastic blog and earn money.

Here, I should give you some topics-

20) Event Management-

Do you know what always fascinates everyone? It is people’s eagerness to arrange a fabulous event(s) for their family members like wedding, birthday, anniversary, promotion day, retirement day, any successful day, etc.

The other thing, like celebrity lifestyle, there are held many events in the film industry, sports world, corporate world, political events.

Here, you get an opportunity to let the people know about the latest events and meetings.

If you think that you are able to cover up all these events and give quick information to your audience, then go ahead and write for this micro-niche.


Blogging is a fantastic career to make money online. You can establish your online business. It will take time to flourish.

Just work hard patiently and choose any micro-niche and build your career.

I have discussed 20 micro-niches blog ideas above. You need to explore your interest areas and expertise. I hope this article will help you to choose a fantastic blogging career.

For more blogging tips, please do visit.

Happy reading!

Originally published at https://helpfuljourney.com on December 24, 2020.



Suresh Maurya
Suresh Maurya

Written by Suresh Maurya

Digital Marketer & Content Writer, founder Spoken English & Personality Development Inst. and provide Basic English Lessons on YouTube & love reading & writing.

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